Just when you think your life is finally taking a turn for the better...the bottom drops out!! I am certain we have all experienced similar situations at one time or another. Let me just mention one situation that we probably can all relate to.
You and your husband/wife (and probably a few kids) have been driving around for years in that old car that you know for sure is nearing the end it's road. You know that.. because every once and a while it makes this awful grinding ,hissing and gurgling sound ..almost like ..the Death Rattle! You know that at any moment this contraption that at one time was sitting somewhere in a showroom floor proudly showing off its shine and attracting new car buyers with its new car scent...will heave ,sputter, choke ..and Die!!
So in anticipation of that final day you..start putting aside a little extra money that you can use for a down payment on a .."NEW" car..(new to me is a car that is at least five years old ).
Now in order to qualify for a car loan (who's got cash?) you have to have good credit build up. The better your credit rating the less interest you will pay ( yea..that's the way it works). Now if you are a young couple just starting out.. it might (no..it will ! ) be difficult to even qualify for a loan. But that is not going to detour you from getting that shiny "new" car of your dreams!..no sir..nothing or no one will prevent you from getting what you deserve!
So you work hard and whatever extra money ( extra? who's got extra ?) you can squeeze out of your pay check..goes into your family car piggy bank. Oh it would be nice if life was predictable and every one of our goals and aspirations were guaranteed to have their fulfillment ...but that's not how LIFE works! When it rains it pours ( manly in the plaines?) Do you ever feel like the whole world is conspiring against you? What does it take to get your head above the stormy waters and find a tranquil eddy to wade in? So you take two small steps forward and a giant leap ...Backwards!! (To bad we can't tell our problems to take a hike!) So what's happening here ? Sometimes LiFE gets in the way of our well intentioned plans. Life throws us many curves ( and some knuckle balls). So the trick is to KNOW..that obstacles will arise and barriers will be erected in our path..that way we will not be surprised or overwhelmed when setbacks come.
Ok ! I'm going to stop rambling now and get to the point (nitty gritty). You see..life will always finds a way to put barriers in our path..(most of the time we put them up ourselves ) So when we let negativity grab a hold of us and allow it to dominate our good sense of judgement ..then many of our decisions in life will remain shrouded in a fog of indecision and uncertainty..and this can perhaps lead to hopelessness or even..desperation!
So when gloomy clouds come our way and we feel like throwing in the towel..remember..when it rains it pours ..put sooner or later the clouds will break ..and then the warming glow of the morning sun..will gently kiss our face.
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