Ever since families began to move away from the family farm in search of "opportunities" and into big cities; there has been a tremendous change in how we view our duties and responsibilities as a family unit. When we compare what was expected of each family member on the farm with what is expected of each in this modern life, we cant help but come to some interesting conclusions. For example..let's take farmer Dad..what were his obligations and responsibilities as a father? Well he was responsible for providing for his families physical,emotional and spiritual needs. That meant that he had to set aside time from his busy schedule to instruct, guide,correct and if necessary discipline those who were in need of such action. So when did Dad find the time to do all of this? Well since the whole family lived on a family farm there was no need for any member of the family to travel away to participate in any other type of activity (malls, theaters, parks,school etc.) This allowed the father to work closely with each child and gave him the opportunity to inculcate moral values and a good work ethic in the hearts and minds of each member of his family. That meant that all the family worked together for a common cause. And as they joined their efforts as a team they all benefited from the results of there hard labor. It was for the good of all the family..Each member knew what was expected of them..there was no room for doubt as to their duties. This created in each family member a sense of duty and accomplishment ..everyone doing their part individually for the benefit of the whole. Yes it was a very structured and predictable life on the family farm ..but this is what protected them from minimizing the importance of their efforts and the reason behind them. The father no doubt had pride as he saw the results of his unselfish concern and love for his family
What about the family farm mother? What part did she play in the overall growth and strength of the family? Well as the giver of life she was intensely interested in the well being of her family both in terms of nourishment, and in their safety. This innate motherly desire to nurture her family propelled her to be an active and willing participant in the overall care of the team. No doubt she played an important role in the overall success of the farm and in the education of her children. This contributed to a wholesome and loving atmosphere in the home and worked towards the betterment of each member of the family..everyone carried their weight evenly and according to their circumstances.
Now let's fast forward to this modern "enlightened" era of high tech wonders and personal accomplishments. Yes I will be the first to recognize that many of our modern technological, medical and scientific advancements have benefited mankind in many ways.. Many diseases have been reduced or eliminated.. Modern machinery and high tech instruments and gadgetry have allowed man to work less vigorously and spend less time doing it..I know this.. and I am benefiting from all this. But the question here is. What price has the family paid for having access to the marvels of modernism?
All one needs to do is listen to news reports about the deterioration of the Modern family (by family I mean a Man and a Woman and their offspring) in fact the very meaning of what constitutes a "family" is being debated in the public arena. Before there was a clear distinction between black and white..there was no grey area ..it was very clear and unquestionable..now there is plenty of room for maneuver and rethink! So what has been the result ? The results have been DISASTROUS for many families.
As families moved away from the country and into the big metropolis, slowly the family unit began to be bombarded with alluring "opportunities" to better oneself and to reach for a life that promised fame, fortune, prestige and power, the world became an oyster. That desire to have a better and more fulfilled life had its price..Like anything in life..their is a trade off. In order to reach certain personal goals one has to sacrifice something..right? So the father goes out and is captivated by the enormous "opportunities" that are within his reach..all he has to do is reach out and grab them. Many parents say that they work hard..sometimes day and night so that their families can have what they never had. But this is exactly the reasoning that has contributed to the collapse of many families.
Let me give you one example; many parents (mostly fathers) who live in underdeveloped or third world countries (in these places many families have a hard time providing for their families) like Mexico, abandon their families and risk their lives to seek out their pot of gold (they are told that the streets in USA are paved with gold). And so they reach their destination, they find work and start sending money back home to their families with the final intention of returning to their families soon. (this rarely happens) Since they want the best for their families and this new country is full of "opportunities" just waiting to be taken advantage of...they decide that it would be beneficial for the whole family to move to this land that flows with milk and honey. But you see.. this is where the problem lies... Once they are settled and after much stress and jumping through many hoops..they begin to make a life for themselves and their families. This is where the desire to hand your family a better life conflicts with what secular society wants for your family! Let me explain what i mean by this.
The father is working two jobs at minimum wage. The mother is struggling to keep the children clothed, fed and in good health..this can be difficult without insurance. As life in this new world gets harder and harder to handle ..both parent have to go out and find work..just to put food on the table and other necessities. Like i said earlier..something has to give,their is a trade off. So what has to be sacrificed ? Yup you guessed it..THE CHILDREN !! I don't think I have to go into any more detail about this..we all can see the results of Father and Mother abandoning the family to give them a better life but doing the exact opposite.. sometimes without them even noticing ..until its too late.
Am I suggesting that we all go back to the family farm? By no means ! What I mean is that we should all meditate on what is more important in life. Of course this is all relative ..if someone has the means to provide for his family without sacrificing them at the alter of the almighty dollar..then that is fine. What I am saying is that many families spend their whole lives trying to make a better life for their families and end up doing more harm than good...all because they want a piece of the cake.
OK I have said enough...why don't you chime in on this and put your two cents.
What about the family farm mother? What part did she play in the overall growth and strength of the family? Well as the giver of life she was intensely interested in the well being of her family both in terms of nourishment, and in their safety. This innate motherly desire to nurture her family propelled her to be an active and willing participant in the overall care of the team. No doubt she played an important role in the overall success of the farm and in the education of her children. This contributed to a wholesome and loving atmosphere in the home and worked towards the betterment of each member of the family..everyone carried their weight evenly and according to their circumstances.
Now let's fast forward to this modern "enlightened" era of high tech wonders and personal accomplishments. Yes I will be the first to recognize that many of our modern technological, medical and scientific advancements have benefited mankind in many ways.. Many diseases have been reduced or eliminated.. Modern machinery and high tech instruments and gadgetry have allowed man to work less vigorously and spend less time doing it..I know this.. and I am benefiting from all this. But the question here is. What price has the family paid for having access to the marvels of modernism?
All one needs to do is listen to news reports about the deterioration of the Modern family (by family I mean a Man and a Woman and their offspring) in fact the very meaning of what constitutes a "family" is being debated in the public arena. Before there was a clear distinction between black and white..there was no grey area ..it was very clear and unquestionable..now there is plenty of room for maneuver and rethink! So what has been the result ? The results have been DISASTROUS for many families.
As families moved away from the country and into the big metropolis, slowly the family unit began to be bombarded with alluring "opportunities" to better oneself and to reach for a life that promised fame, fortune, prestige and power, the world became an oyster. That desire to have a better and more fulfilled life had its price..Like anything in life..their is a trade off. In order to reach certain personal goals one has to sacrifice something..right? So the father goes out and is captivated by the enormous "opportunities" that are within his reach..all he has to do is reach out and grab them. Many parents say that they work hard..sometimes day and night so that their families can have what they never had. But this is exactly the reasoning that has contributed to the collapse of many families.
Let me give you one example; many parents (mostly fathers) who live in underdeveloped or third world countries (in these places many families have a hard time providing for their families) like Mexico, abandon their families and risk their lives to seek out their pot of gold (they are told that the streets in USA are paved with gold). And so they reach their destination, they find work and start sending money back home to their families with the final intention of returning to their families soon. (this rarely happens) Since they want the best for their families and this new country is full of "opportunities" just waiting to be taken advantage of...they decide that it would be beneficial for the whole family to move to this land that flows with milk and honey. But you see.. this is where the problem lies... Once they are settled and after much stress and jumping through many hoops..they begin to make a life for themselves and their families. This is where the desire to hand your family a better life conflicts with what secular society wants for your family! Let me explain what i mean by this.
The father is working two jobs at minimum wage. The mother is struggling to keep the children clothed, fed and in good health..this can be difficult without insurance. As life in this new world gets harder and harder to handle ..both parent have to go out and find work..just to put food on the table and other necessities. Like i said earlier..something has to give,their is a trade off. So what has to be sacrificed ? Yup you guessed it..THE CHILDREN !! I don't think I have to go into any more detail about this..we all can see the results of Father and Mother abandoning the family to give them a better life but doing the exact opposite.. sometimes without them even noticing ..until its too late.
Am I suggesting that we all go back to the family farm? By no means ! What I mean is that we should all meditate on what is more important in life. Of course this is all relative ..if someone has the means to provide for his family without sacrificing them at the alter of the almighty dollar..then that is fine. What I am saying is that many families spend their whole lives trying to make a better life for their families and end up doing more harm than good...all because they want a piece of the cake.
OK I have said enough...why don't you chime in on this and put your two cents.
This is my Grandson Joaquin digging up an old barrel we found !
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